12th August 2020

Language Connotations

Language Connotations: Is the associated meaning. e.g run – to move very fast. But the connotation is feeling very tired. Unique spin to yourself.

Positive connotation:
The rays of sunshine gleams on the smiling heard of faces. Birds chirping and dancing around in the newly blossomed trees. The scent of freshly cut flowers lingers around them as they laugh, chatter and play. Mingling with the new charming faces, creating new friendships each day.

Negative connotation:
The burning rays of sunshine strikes on the heard of faces. Birds sit parched in the dying trees. The scent of freshly cut flowers lingers around them with the dead silence that surrounds. Mingling with the same old faces.

Extended Metaphor :
Like a regular metaphor, an extended metaphor looks to draw on the shared figurative characteristics of two concepts. In order to extend the device, you should consider how language connotations, similes, metaphors and other devices combine throughout a piece to continually convey the shared characteristics.

The burning rays of sunshine strikes on the heard of faces. Birds sit parched in the dying trees. The scent of freshly cut flowers lingers around them with the dead silence that surrounds. Mingling with the same old faces.

  • being in a cage
  • different animals sectioned off in the different groups
  • the rivalry between the old and the young
  • munching on food

The quad is a zoo filled with animals swarming one another. There’s a pack of wolves but also a colony of ants.

Stretching against the twilight, the skyline of New York City stands boldly. Much like a tree canopy, each skyscraper fights for the strongest sunlight position. Below, on the forest floor, the various animals go about their business. Big lions standing proud pace around swiftly as if they have very important places to be. Parrots fill themselves with bags, moving from store to store. Monkey’s loud and cheeky in the nightlife.

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